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SLO Oy Lighting Catalogue 1967

SLO Oy Lighting Catalogue 1967


SLO was founded in 1945. After World War II there was a shortage of electrical supplies in Finland. Several electrical installation companies set up their own electrical supply center: Sähköliikke Oy.

The electrical contractors became the company’s main shareholders. It was officially named SLO in 1971. 

At the start of the operation, the company had difficulties in obtaining the import licenses required by the regulatory economy, so the company had already entered into firm representation agreements with foreign companies.

SLO has been engaged in small-scale industry since the 50s, but withdrew from the cable factory, the lighting and electrical equipment factory, the electronics factory and the companies manufacturing plastic parts and fittings for lamps in the 1980s.

In 1977, SLO acquired half of the Nordic Electricity Ltd (Pohjoismainen Sähkö Oy), 1988 Suomen Sähkötuonti Oy and 1990 Suomen Sähkötukku Oy.

The owners sold the SLO in 1986 to Nokia. In 1999 it became the property of the French company Sonepar.

Links (external links open in a new window)

SLO website

SLO – Wikipedia

Sonepar website

Many thanks to Cyril for the catalogue.