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ASEA 1950s Lighting Catalogue
ASEA 1950s Lighting Catalogue

ASEA, the Allmänna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget (General Swedish Electric Company) was an Swedish industrial firm. It was founded in 1883 by Ludvig Fredholm. They produced electrical light and generators. In the beginning the company had a remarkable logo; a swastika. It was removed in 1933 due to the symbol’s association with Nazi Germany.

In 1953 ASEA was responsible for the production of the first synthetic diamond. In the 1960s they build 12 nuclear plants in Sweden.

In the late 1980s ASEA merges with the Swiss company BBC (Brown Boveri and Company) and they became the ABB Group. ASEA still exists, but only as a holding company.

Links (external links open in a new window)

ASEA – Wikipedia

ABB Group – Wikipedia

Many thanks to Cyril for the catalogue.